The sailor searches for land
It’s a big dark sea with unknown tides
He strains with a lasting demand
As the wind dies he wishes he had the proper guides.
His mind strains for a way out
Think thoughts harder than ever before
He looks into the distance to shout
You failed to get me ever more.
A mermaid hears and comes to say
“The way out is not what you are thinking
You can think for the wind to get your way
But the truth cannot change with your straining.
Your strength lies in seeing your fate
And accepting the truth that is there
So ponder your predicament as a gate
Go down to your heart to make you aware.”
The sailor hears what she had to say
Upset that the answer was not clear
He will do his best not to stray
Looking to his heart to see the answer there:
He needs bigger sails to catch the breeze
All of his straining and thinking
And the bigger sails found inside the ship he now sees.

The post The Sail appeared first on Goong Goong.