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Do not use A.I. to ask the most imperative questions about who you are.

You need to ask your Bigger Self.
Otherwise, you will lose yourself while trying to find the answers to these questions.
If you have answers to your questions, then you are really wise and not artificial at all.
You should also check your answers to your BIG questions with Bigger Mind.

Transform your capability into ability

Harmony Meditation provides both beginners and more advanced levels with unique practical and theoretical insight into meditation and spiritual development. Grandmaster Choi demonstrates that pursuit of spiritual growth is a natural human aspiration and actually essential for managing everyday life and its challenges well; it enriches every aspect of human existence from better living to better dying. Harmony Meditation as book and CDs are entertaining and allow for easy access to meditation techniques with many practical examples. Beginners will experience increasing insights as they keep revisiting the pages. Select chapters that go deeper into the stages of human consciousness and spiritual completion may initially appeal more to advanced practitioners; nevertheless, beginners will gradually gain access through continuous practice and by experiencing the results

Meditation – finally made fun!

La meditación de armonía dispone ambos principiantes y niveles más avanzados con una visión practica y teórica única sobre la meditación y el desarrollo espiritual. El gran maestro Choi demuestra que la búsqueda del crecimiento espiritual es una aspiración natural humana y actualmente esencial para manejar bien la vida diaria y sus desafíos; enriquece cada aspecto de la existencia humana desde mejor vivir a mejor morir. La meditación de armonía como libro y como CDs son entretenidos y permite un acceso fácil a las técnicas de meditación con muchos ejemplos prácticos. Principiantes tendrán una mejor comprensión a medida que continúen revisando las páginas. Los capítulos selectos que van más profundos en las etapas de la conciencia humana y la realización espiritual pueden atraer inicialmente a los practicantes avanzados; sin embargo, a medida del tiempo los principiantes ganaran acceso gradualmente a través de la practica continua y experimentando los resultados. La meditación finalmente hecha divertida!

Books In Korean


Buddhas’ Fun : A Harmony Meditation CD Integration Not Separation Of Mind, Body, and Spirit Of Releasing and Accumulating

  1. Enlightened 10 Minute
  2. Take It Easy
  3. Breakup Meditation
  4. A Way of Dragon
  5. Buddhas’ Fun

Buddhas’ Fun Healing: Guided meditation intended for supporting seriously ill patients in their quest for comfort and for the soul to arise

  1. The Elephant (you deserve to be shocked)
  2. What Do I Do Now (you deserve to move forward)
  3. Nothing More Than A Soul (you deserve to be a soul)
  4. Life Around Me (for realizing there is more)
  5. Things Happen (for next steps)
  6. Part As A Whole (for finding your way)
  7. You Are The Hope (true self to the rescue)
  8. The Revolution To Feel Better (for going beyond your five senses)
  9. The Revolution To Get Better (for resting in yourself)
  10. The Revolution To Be Better (for well-being and well-dying)
  11. The Secret Of Human Mind (for mobilizing the healing power in you)

Buddhas’ Fun The Way of ZEN: A new way of Zen that enables anyone to feel better, to get better, to live their life better and to realize their Buddha nature

  1. Breathe Healthier 1
  2. Breathe Healthier 2
  3. Looking Up The Mind
  4. The Way of ZEN 1
  5. The Way of ZEN 2
  6. The Way of ZEN 3

Buddhas’ Fun Karma: A revolutionary collection of meditation techniques for the spiritual seeker to become a modern Buddha

  1. The Elephant (you deserve to be shocked)
  2. What Do I Do Now (you deserve to move forward)
  3. Nothing More Than A Soul (you deserve to be a soul)
  4. Life Around Me (for realizing there is more)
  5. Things Happen (for next steps)
  6. Part As A Whole (for finding your way)
  7. You Are The Hope (true self to the rescue)
  8. The Revolution To Feel Better (for going beyond your five senses)
  9. The Revolution To Get Better (for resting in yourself)
  10. The Revolution To Be Better (for well-being and well-dying)
  11. The Secret Of Human Mind (for mobilizing the healing power in you)

Buddhas’ Fun Revolution: A revolutionary guide that elevates meditation technique itself to the next evolutionary stage

  1. You Want To Sleep Better (for breathing to relax)
  2. Improving Yourself (for preparing your brain for sleep)
  3. Why to grow (for controlling your life)
  4. The Cause and Effect (for the mechanism for quality sleep)
  5. You Are Joy (for seeking happiness)
  6. The Revolution To Feel Better (for evidence to go beyond your five senses)
  7. The Revolution To Get Better (for getting happier to get healthier)
  8. The Revolution To Be Better (for well-being and well-dying)
  9. What Are We Breathing (for what is really important)
  10. To The Completion Of Soul (for finding what is in it for you)
  11. Introduction To A New Goal (for learning how to use this CD)

Buddhas’ Fun Reloaded: Real life applicable meditation sessions for anyone who wants to be inspired and inspire

  1. Introduction To A New Goal (for awakening your potential)
  2. Mind Flows (for preparing mind to flow smoothly)
  3. Your Mind Is With You Always (for better mind and body relationship)
  4. Mind and Body In Peace (who is in charge of you?)
  5. Thought Clarifying Reflection (again, who is in charge of you?)
  6. For Those Who Cannot Rest (for finding what is causing your unrest)
  7. Letting Go (succeed by letting go)
  8. Calming Is Not Good Enough (for avoiding wide spread mistakes in meditation)
  9. What About The Bottom Consciousness (for taking out the trash)
  10. Relax Beginners (for starting over)
  11. Let Me Help You Relax (for learning the procedure to relax)
  12. You Are The One (for the most precious asset you have)
  13. Soul To Soul (soul food)
  14. Spiritual Cause and Effect (for awakening soul talents)
  15. You Are Great (for upgrading yourself to a new level)
  16. GoongGoong (a chant to go beyond everything that you know)

241 North Avenue West, Westfield, NJ 07090

Tel: 908-232-2377

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