Group Tai Chi Training

Growing Harmony in our community for over a decade!

Growing Harmony in our community for over a decade!

Step into the Bigger You!

Stop playing small. Empower your mind, trust in your worth, and go after what you truly deserve! With us by your side, you’ll shatter your limits and unlock the BEST version of yourself! Yes, it’s possible—and enlightenment will lead the way!

Question for Today's Enlightenment From Alexander Choi

You have you, so you have hope to become the best version of you: Bigger Self

The Connectivity Workshop Course

What am i thinking?

The motto to be your Bigger Self

Empty Your Mind
Recharge Your Self
Reset Your Purpose
(비우고: Bee-oo-go)
(채우고: Cheh-oo-go)
(이루고: Ee-roo-go)

Let's get started!

If you are a Business or Organization Looking for

  1. High quality information to understand what mindfulness is and how it works. 
  2. Application and practice of leadership in order to grow and thrive professionally and personally. Participants establish new ways of thinking, feeling, and living through direct application of the training. 
  3. Supercharge, refresh and open up innovative thinking and heartfelt communication.

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